Begin with the end in mind.
SINCE 1983.
Westlake has supported Friends of the Children (FOTC), a non-profit children’s mentoring group, since 2010 with employee-giving programs. In 2014, Westlake was chosen to be part of the Design / Build Project Team to perform civil engineering services for FOTC’s new Rockwood Facility uniquely co-located within a city park in Gresham, Oregon. FOTC leases the… Continue Reading
Last week Sig Fransen, Stormwater Consultant with Contech Engineered Solutions, visited Westlake and presented a technical overview of the StormTech filter systems used for treating stormwater. The filter systems can have a number of filter media including Perlite and the original biodegradable filter product, and can be tailored to meet the requirements of each individual site.… Continue Reading
ACE Academy, a charter school located in East Portland, plans to close in June after being open for eight consecutive school years. ACE (Architecture, Construction, and Engineering) served Centennial, Gresham-Barlow, Parkrose, and Reynolds School Districts. The school provided junior and senior high school students with hands-on experience in the path of their choice, while getting to experience a little of everything… Continue Reading
Westlake’s scan department recently visited Sherwood High School to talk about land surveying and 3D laser scanning. Our team presented to a group of students in an Advanced Construction class about the different ways you can specialize in surveying, the requirements for getting started in the profession, and how it’s applied to many different types of projects. In… Continue Reading
What is land surveying? What does a land surveyor do? Westlake’s new video, filmed at the annual 2016 PLSO conference in Eugene, OR, provides insight into the land surveying profession. It features a range of professionals who talk about the different ways you can specialize in surveying, the perks, job outlook, and being a woman in the profession. Continue Reading
Westlake Consultant’s scanning department recently visited Emerick Architects, located in downtown Portland, for a Lunch & Learn to present the use and benefits of 3D laser scanning. During the presentation, Westlake’s Bob Blair described our involvement in the Lloyd Center renovation work. He mentioned it took our scan department about 3 days to scan the entire mall and about 2 weeks to model… Continue Reading
Westlake has been on the forefront of integrating the use of 3D laser scanning in the A/E/C industry throughout the NW. We have been offering scanning services for over a dozen years with a continually growing knowledge of the latest technologies and practices. In a Research and Markets report published in October 2015, it was… Continue Reading
Gary is an eager advocate for PLSO and the profession of land surveying. The 2016 PLSO Brush Cutter Award (given to an individual who keeps pursuing a goal no matter what ‘brush’ gets in the way) is appropriate recognition for Gary’s dedication. He has served on the PLSO Board as State Membership Chair and Board Chairman, and… Continue Reading
On Wednesday afternoon, Westlake’s engineering team gathered in the conference room for a lunch presentation by Carrie Stephens of McWane Ductile. They discussed advancements as well as the benefits of ductile iron pipe technologies. These lunch meetings, all on different topics, contribute to Westlake’s continuing efforts to stay up to date on the latest technologies and practices. Continue Reading
Congratulations to Steven Howell for earning his Professional Land Surveyor’s license (PLS)! Steven joined Westlake in 2014 and has become an asset to our surveying team, contributing his expertise to many successful projects. Continue Reading
Westlake Consultants appreciates the challenges faced by nonprofits and has been a valuable partner to Willamette West Habitat for Humanity in providing homeownership opportunities to families in need of decent, affordable housing.”