Begin with the end in mind.
SINCE 1983.
The Virtual Neighborhood Meeting for
“Proposed Multi-Dwelling Residential 150-180 Units
3.3 Acre site North of 1040 SW 66th Avenue“
is scheduled for Wednesday, April 9, 2025 at 6 PM (PST)
Westlake Consultants will be hosting a virtual neighborhood meeting on Wednesday, April 9th at 6:00 P.M. Information about the proposed project will be discussed, accompanied by a slide presentation. Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions.
You may register to attend via computer or mobile device, or you may participate via dial-in only. To register to attend via computer/mobile device, use the link below. To register for dial-in only, call Westlake Consultants at 503-684-0652 and ask to register for the event. Instructions for joining the meeting will be provided when you register. Please register no later than 4 PM on April 8th.
Register for the meeting here.
Meeting presentation materials are available here.
Sam Hargrave, PLS – On the job. Continue Reading
It was a lot of fun looking back at all we accomplished last year. We donated to important causes, we celebrated professional development milestones, we said goodbye to colleagues, and we welcomed new ones. Our core values of teamwork, a passion for excellence, technological innovations, and life-work balance were on display throughout the year. Westlake… Continue Reading
This week, I had the opportunity to visit several construction sites where WCI is providing erosion control monitoring services. As part of the Marketing team, I’m always encouraged to visit project sites to capture photos, share exciting updates, and highlight the amazing companies we collaborate with. However, yesterday’s visit was all about gaining a deeper… Continue Reading
In Loving Memory of Derek Colclough Westlake Consultants pays tribute to a remarkable person who was not just our colleague but a cherished friend and mentor, Derek Colclough, who passed away September 2, 2024. A native of England, Derek grew up primarily on the Africa continent. He joined Westlake in 1996 after over 30 years… Continue Reading
Westlake Consultants is committed to nurturing the next generation of engineers, surveyors, and industry professionals through our annual summer internship program. Each year, we welcome a group of talented students who bring fresh perspectives and energy to our firm. This summer, Westlake was thrilled to offer four college internships in our Engineering, 3D/Industrial Measurement, and… Continue Reading
As the new school year approaches, we’re excited to share the success of our Back-to-School Supply Drive! Thanks to the generosity of our staff, we were able to collect hundreds of items including binders, glue sticks, and an impressive amount of paper, markers, and crayons—enough to fully stock several classrooms. These supplies will go directly… Continue Reading
At WCI, we take pride in our commitment to advancing marine science and exploration. Our Industrial Measurement Division (IMD) supports some of the most impressive research vessels in the world, including the University of Alaska’s R/V Sikuliaq, the University of Washington’s R/V Thomas G. Thompson and R/V Rachael Carson, and the University of California San… Continue Reading
This year marks a significant milestone for Westlake Consultants as we celebrate Bernard Smith’s 25-year journey with our company. Bernard joined Westlake in 1999 and was named Associate in 2006. In his first two years, he served as the Survey Development Manager. As a dual-licensed professional in Engineering and Survey, he has a deep understanding… Continue Reading
This January, we’re celebrating a remarkable milestone in our Westlake family. Shad Haney, a constant leader, has marked two decades of dedicated service at Westlake Consultants. Shad’s journey with Westlake began in 2004, bringing with him a wealth of experience as a project manager in the heavy-construction sector. He has played a pivotal role in… Continue Reading
We appreciate Westlake’s quick turnaround on the priority survey. Excellent work! At the biweekly client meeting, it was mentioned that Westlake was doing a great job communicating schedule for ROE’s.”