Begin with the end in mind.
SINCE 1983.
The Virtual Neighborhood Meeting for
“Proposed Multi-Dwelling Residential 150-180 Units
3.3 Acre site North of 1040 SW 66th Avenue“
is scheduled for Wednesday, April 9, 2025 at 6 PM (PST)
Westlake Consultants will be hosting a virtual neighborhood meeting on Wednesday, April 9th at 6:00 P.M. Information about the proposed project will be discussed, accompanied by a slide presentation. Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions.
You may register to attend via computer or mobile device, or you may participate via dial-in only. To register to attend via computer/mobile device, use the link below. To register for dial-in only, call Westlake Consultants at 503-684-0652 and ask to register for the event. Instructions for joining the meeting will be provided when you register. Please register no later than 4 PM on April 8th.
Register for the meeting here.
Meeting presentation materials are available here.
Sam Hargrave, PLS – On the job. Continue Reading
I have worked with Westlake Engineering on numerous projects over the last 12 years and would recommend Westlake without reservation for any project requiring engineering, planning, or surveying services.”