Begin with the end in mind.
SINCE 1983.
(Photos courtesy of City of Tualatin)
The SW Herman Road Improvements represent a significant overhaul of a crucial roadway in Tualatin. Key upgrades include an ADA-compliant sidewalk on the north side of SW Herman Road between Tualatin Rd and 124th, a center left-turn lane to enhance traffic flow, upgraded bike lanes on both sides, and an advanced stormwater management system. These upgrades created safer connections between residential neighborhoods and Tualatin’s major employment district for drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians
Working with Century West, Westlake conducted topographic surveying and created the basemap for design. This required close coordination with the wetland’s consultant, and with Portland & Western Railroad for track access. Our survey team also conducted the pre-construction Record of Survey, the pothole survey, as well as additional topographic surveying required as the project progressed. Following construction, the survey team returned to conduct a post-construction Record of Survey for monument perpetuation and an as-built survey for the new stormwater management structures.
A major project challenge was managing traffic to minimize disruptions to the heavy daily traffic flow. In response, Westlake worked closely with the City and Century West to schedule survey work to provide as little disruption as possible, helping to keep traffic moving and reduce inconvenience for the community.
A standout element of the project was Century West’s innovative approach to stormwater management. Splash pads were designed to catch debris and fine silt before runoff reaches the stormwater planters. Their engineers also incorporated a stormwater pond that naturally cleans the water, protecting Hedges Creek by filtering the water before it enters the storm system.
You can read more about Century West’s role here.
I have worked with Westlake Engineering on numerous projects over the last 12 years and would recommend Westlake without reservation for any project requiring engineering, planning, or surveying services.”