Begin with the end in mind.
SINCE 1983.
The addition of a new gymnasium building for OneSchool Global (OSG) became less straightforward for Westlake’s civil engineering team when it was determined that the new construction would be over a portion of an aged storm drain system running through the tightly constrained .65-acre site. The new gymnasium building and site improvements were part of the comprehensive tenant improvement project for client Frontier Education as it transformed an older suburban office building into a small private K-12 school.
Our civil project manager worked with the structural engineering firm (LLVI) to evaluate and retrofit the pipe section in question for long-term durability. Westlake’s civil team selected a pipe material class to withstand the soil bearing pressures imparted from the strip loading of the building foundation above.
Our team created the civil construction documents for the gymnasium addition, improvements to site circulation, and ADA accessibility for the parking lot and walkways, and a pedestrian connection to busy SE Webster Rd.
Westlake worked collaboratively with the OSG team which included Metropolitan Design Studio + Architecture, Frontier Education, and board members from OSG.
The final deliverable looks great and meets our needs perfectly. I really appreciate your attention to detail. I was very impressed with the research you put in and the product delivered.”