Begin with the end in mind.
SINCE 1983.
The City of Milwaukie recently invested in infrastructure improvements to 42nd and 43rd Avenues, ranging from general infrastructure to quality-of-life improvements for neighborhood residents. These efforts are part of a larger city-wide program called SAFE (Safe Access for Everyone), which was created with the intent of upgrading Milwaukie’s transportation infrastructure for ease-of-use and accessibility.
The 42nd/43rd SAFE/SSMP project area in primarily residential with significant bicycle activity and students walking to and from Seth Lewelling Elementary School. Westlake provided surveying services for the 42nd Ave project area under contract to City of Milwaukie, and as a subconsultant to Century West Engineering for the 43rd Ave portion of the combined SAFE project.
The SE 42nd Ave project area (Johnson Creek Boulevard to Harvey Street) included improved accessibility with new ADA-compliant ramps and crosswalks, repair of a sanitary sewer section (Fieldcrest Street to Olsen Street), and repaving for portions of sidewalk. The City also added bike symbols, speed humps, and extended the curbs along some sections of 42nd Ave. Westlake provided topographic and right-of-way surveying, working closely with the City to coordinate with residents for data collection on private property.
The 43rd Ave project area (Howe Street to King Road) focused on improving cyclist and pedestrian safety by adding 10-foot pervious asphalt shared-use path, separated from the roadway, pavement, and stormwater management. This project also included replacement of a section of outdated sanitary sewer line between Rockwood Street and Covell Street. Westlake provided topographic surveying for design and a Record of Survey. Additional scope added by Century West included providing construction calculations and staking for existing right-of-way, proposed right-of-way dedication, and the temporary construction easement.
Improvements were designed by Century West to maximize existing infrastructure, enhance stormwater management, and avoid impacts to established trees. More than 40 driveways were integrated into the new design.
Due to the limited right-of-way, a custom solution for cyclists and pedestrians was created for 43rd Ave – a 10-foot shared-use path on the west side of the street, and a sidewalk to the east.
42nd/43rd SAFE/SSMP construction was completed in October 2022, and was celebrated with a neighborhood event featuring food, drinks, and music from local blues/rock band Roadside Attraction.
For more details on the project, check out Century West’s write-up: City of Milwaukie 43rd Ave SAFE/SSMP Improvements – Century West.
I have enjoyed working with Westlake Consultants and respect their high degree of professionalism.”