Begin with the end in mind.
SINCE 1983.
For this affordable housing development in Gladstone, Oregon, our team fast-tracked initial field surveying to help ensure the project timeline could be met, and later prioritized final survey documents to allow for critical project financing to proceed. Funding for this project came from a variety of sources and having the design stage survey completed for architect Carleton Hart helped meet the project schedule.
Westlake provided an ALTA/NSPS survey, topographic survey, and utility easement survey to our client, the Housing Authority of Clackamas County. We also provided construction surveying services at the site as a subconsultant to Walsh Construction Co.
After the Housing Authority of Clackamas County bought the property in 2019, the Tukwila Springs development was planned to help address a county commitment to develop 1500 units of affordable housing by 2025. This was an adaptive reuse project, which rehabilitated a former congregate care facility that was over 50 years old. The project was notably the first to utilize State Permanent Supportive Housing funds, which contributed $2.4 million to the total $19.4 million budget. Funding was also sourced from Low Income Housing Tax Credits ($6.4 million); Metro Affordable Housing Bond ($5.6 million); and Clackamas County HOME Funds ($400,00).
The finished development is a 48-unit apartment complex (40 studio apartments, 8 single-room occupancy) that features a variety of on-site social services. For this project, the County focused on applicants in the 50+ age demographic who also make less than 30% of the area median income. Additionally, tenants who require supportive services, such as fixed-income seniors and veterans, were a focus when selecting applicants, and 12 units were prioritized for supportive housing services for Native American tenants. Westlake is proud to provide our services in support of County and State affordable housing goals.
Westlake exceeded our expectations, particulary in respect to timely delivery of work products. Your staff was available, committed, and willing to do what it took to get deliverables in on time. You made our job easier by being flexible on short notice.”