Begin with the end in mind.
SINCE 1983.
(Photo courtesy of City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services)
The US Army Corps of Engineers and Portland Bureau of Environmental Services and Parks and Recreation worked to restore nearly 75 acres of the Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge to benefit wildlife and people. The habit, located on the east bank of the Willamette River, supports many wildlife species including 175 bird species, amphibians, and mammals such as otters and beavers.
This $8.8 million restoration project was awarded to contractors LKE Corporation and K&E Excavating through a joint venture agreement. WCI provided extensive construction surveying services including verification of USACE project control, monumentation control using City datums, erosion control and channel grading staking, and post-construction as-built surveying. WCI was also responsible for CAD verification for the project and provided Quality Assurance/Quality Control oversight.
Project enhancements included replacement of an existing culvert with a new and bigger culvert located underneath the Springwater Trail which allows fish to pass between the Willamette River and the wetland refuge, excavation of tidal slough channels, removal of invasive vegetation, and the addition of a new viewing platform. Ultimately, the enhancements allow for a better exchange of water between the refuge and river and allow juvenile salmon access to the refuge to rest and find food.
“Westlake’s attention to detail and quality of work has been a key contribution to the success of past projects with their involvement.”