Monthly Archives: January 2022

New Associate Principal Named

Westlake is excited to announce Douglas Liles, PLS has been named Associate Principal. Liles is being recognized for his leadership, expertise, and commitment to the firm. Doug joined the firm in 1991 and will continue to help support the survey division, providing expertise with calculations for complex construction projects, survey control networks, and data management and analysis. He will also be responsible for assisting with staff professional development.

Throughout his career at Westlake, Doug has surveyed for infrastructure improvements that have made a significant impact on our community. A couple of projects Doug is currently working on include the Willamette Water Supply Partnership (WWSP) and Willamette River Crossing (WRX). He says, “I really enjoy working on the larger and more complicated projects, because there are just so many things to take into consideration.” One of Doug’s favorite projects that he worked on, as a subconsultant for Kuney Construction, was the $68.9 million MLK Viaduct replacement. The project was a massive undertaking since it spans railroad tracks and several Portland City streets. Doug spent nearly 5,000 hours working on the project over a five-year period.

Another one of his favorite projects was working on the nearly $40 million Sauvie Island Bridge replacement. The main arch span was constructed offsite at the Portland of Portland. It was then placed on a barge and floated down the river where it was lifted 80 feet in the air and placed into position – a process WCI assisted with.

Other noteworthy projects he worked on include the Oregon Zoo Bond Improvements, Lake Oswego Interceptor Sewer Project (LOIS), Providence Park Stadium Expansion, Hawthorne Bridge, Portland Community College campuses, Nike’s Beaverton campus, Bonneville Dam, and Portland’s original light rail line. Prior to joining Westlake, he worked as a survey technician on a number of projects for Bonneville Power Administration and Pacific Power & Light.

He is an active member of the Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon (PLSO), National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS), and is a graduate of Utah College of Applied Technology. He joins the leadership team including associates Bernard Smith, Charles “Bob” Blair, Maggie Thornton, and principals Chris Kaleikilo, Shad Haney, Mike Hargrave, and Ken Sandblast.

Bringing Holiday Cheer to Teens in Foster Care

This holiday season staff voted to partner with Project 48 for their 3rd Annual Adopt A Bag Holiday Event. The program supports local teens in foster care in Multnomah, Washington, and Clackamas counties by giving them holiday cheer bags filled with gifts. Co-Founder and Executive Director Brandy Memory says the organization’s motivation for starting the… Continue Reading

Client Testimonial

I have enjoyed working with Westlake Consultants and respect their high degree of professionalism.”

Ron Lee, BBL Architects

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15115 SW Sequoia Parkway, Suite 150
Tigard, OR 97224
